Pepper Spray And Special Circumstances-Multiple Assailants

Multiple Assailants When faced with multiple assailants, you should use a circular or semicircular spray pattern technique that provides a protective barrier. If the assailants are in front of you, spray the one nearest you directly. His sudden reaction may stop the others when they see the agony he’s going through. As with a single assailant, immediately begin retreating or backing up, never taking your eyes off the assailants, remaining ready to spray anyone else foolish enough […]

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Pepper Spray And Special Circumstances-No Retreat

– 2 most common Multiple assailants that have surrounded you When you are trapped or cornered with no avenue of retreat. … by multiple assailants you must do two things immediately. Assuming the assailants are within range, disperse a full 360-degree circle of spray at head level, again creating a barrier the assailants must pass through to get to you. This may break up the pack quickly, or it may not. Quickly find the best escape route,

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Pepper Spray And Special Circumstances-Immobilized Victim

Immobilized Victim The other special circumstance you may be faced with is being grabbed by an assailant before you have a chance to react as previously described. This would typically be the case if you were suddenly attacked from behind or from another direction. The key factor is whether or not you have the freedom to retreat or use the spray on the assailant. In this situation, your best chance is to draw the spray, assume the

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Pepper Spray And Special Circumstances-Date Rape

Date Rape Use of a defense spray to prevent date rape is done much the same way as any other assault. The only difference is that you must first recognize what is happening, then verbally attempt to stop the man’s behavior. Once you say “Stop!” in a forceful way, and he doesn’t comply, you have every right to stop the continued aggressive behavior with your Pepper Spray or other Self Defense Device you have, but remember to

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What Is Pepper Spray?

Pepper Spray, also known as OC is a derivative of HOT CAYENNE PEPPERS and is the active agent in most popular self defense pepper sprays. It is not an irritant like the tear gases, but an inflammatory agent. Contact with mucous membranes (eyes, nose, throat and lungs) will cause IMMEDIATE dilation of the capillaries of the eyes, resulting in TEMPORARY BLINDNESS and instant inflammation of the breathing tube tissues, cutting off ALL BUT LIFE-SUPPORT BREATHING. Pepper Spray

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