Self Defense and Your Part

Self Defense and your Part We want to do more than be your online source of self defense products like pepper spray and stun guns, we want to educate you on what to do with those items and try to teach you how to use them. First thing we want you to know is that you can not use what you don’t have, to quote: “Plan for the Worst and hope for the Best” puts it into […]

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Tactical Use Of Pepper Spray – Timing

Timing One of the keys to effective use of Pepper Spray is timing. Exactly when you bring a spray to aim at an assailant can be critical to the outcome of a situation. First, make sure the Pepper Spray is readily available and, second, through practice, learn how to use it quickly and accurately. Now, when faced with a potentially threatening situation, it’s only a matter of when you decide to react. The timing of Pepper Spray

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Pepper Spray Nozzle And Spray Patterns

Just as important as the capacity and brand of your Pepper Spray, is the spray pattern. There are generally two types of spray patterns: a stream pattern which gives good range but requires aiming directly at the face; and a cone mist, also known as a fogger, which has a shorter range but does not require true aiming. In addition to these factors, there are two other important comparisons. First, if there is a breeze, the stream

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Choosing A Defense Spray

Over the last several years, the popularity of self defense sprays, mistakenly called tear gas or Mace, has grown tremendously. The rising rate of violent crime, the publicity and media coverage of such crimes, and the reasoning, “If it’s good enough for the cops, it’s good enough for me”, has led more and more citizens to rely on these devices. The demand for defense sprays has become so great that today there are literally dozens of different

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How To Carry Pepper Spray

The American Security Institute recommends carrying the largest size pepper spray that is practical and legal for you. Most 2 ounce sprays are about 4″ long and 1″ in diameter- small enough to clip onto a purse or a belt. If you find this size inconvenient or impractical, carry a keychain spray. The biggest advantage of the keychain spray is that you’re not likely to forget it. Unless you have no other choice, do not carry a

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Pepper Spray And Bears

Tips if you plan to be in BEAR COUNTRY! Always have Pepper Spray in its holster ready for immediate use. Don’t bury it in your pack. Be alert where recent bear activity has been documented by park officials, Fish and Game, Forest Service, and other public service people. Some common areas where bears like to frequent are: avalanche chutes, stream beds, dense edge cover and, in late summer, berry patches. pepper spray and bears Use extreme caution

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Tactical Use Of Pepper Spray – Shooting

Shooting the Spray There’s much more to using a defense spray than just pointing and shooting. Remember, don’t raise, point, and shoot the spray until you’re ready to fire, until the assailant is in range and you know the spray will hit him full in the face and incapacitate him. The objective is to surprise and stop him before he has a chance to react or think. When you’re ready to shoot the spray, go into a

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Tactical Use Of Pepper Spray – Escape

Retreat and Escape The whole purpose of using a defense spray is to stop your assailant immediately, disable him so he can no longer hurt you, and give you the opportunity to escape to a safe place. DO NOT attempt to hold the assailant for the police. In fact, get as far away from him as you can. DO NOT move toward the assailant in any way since you could be affected by the pepper spray, which

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Tactical Use Of Pepper Spray – Residential

Residential Tactical Use pepper spray tactical use in residenceThe primary purpose for having pepper spray for protection in a residential setting is to create a barrier to prevent the intruder from getting inside. There are two types of barriers with two different and distinct functions. The interior barrier is created by spraying into an area of entry just prior to retreating to a “safe room” inside the residence. The door/window defense is similar to personal defense on

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Tactical Use Of Pepper Spray – Residential Door And Window

Door and Window Defense The big difference between door and window defense and an interior barrier defense is the amount of preparation or warning time. The only time you should use a spray defense to stop an intruder from coming through a door or window is when the intruder is already in and you’re in imminent danger. A good example would be waking up to find an intruder climbing in through your bedroom window or actually in

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